Clean Up Moraga! joins the Trash Pandas on Grizzly Peak Blvd

The East Bay Trash Pandas are a group doing fantastic work in the Oakland/Berkeley Hills, where the dumping is out of control. East Bay Beautiful joined the Pandas for a couple of clean-ups and what a great group of folks trying to make a difference and putting in the work. This area is steep and requires ropes to navigate the hills safely and haul junk up. The Pandas hope to make a difference with local stakeholders by implementing preventative measures to curtail this ongoing dumping along Grizzly Peak Blvd, one of the prettiest drives in the Bay Area. John Kirkham, the founder of the Pandas, has done a tremendous job in getting the attention of local media outlets to apply pressure for long-term solutions so that this area can be known again for its beauty and not its trash.

Update: 9/10/2024: Cal has agreed to place trash cans at various pull-outs and maintain them. The Pandas are also proposing that East Bay Parks take over stewardship of the land and create a park which highlights the world-class views for all visitors.


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Lamorinda Weekly Follow-up 2/28/24