Contact Leadership


CHANGE will not happen if you do not make YOUR VOICE heard. You, as a community member, environmental activist, local authority, or organization involved in environmental conservation, have the power to make a difference.

It's the collective effort of all of us, from community members to environmental activists, local authorities, and organizations, that will protect OUR cities, towns, parks, open spaces, and watersheds with long-term, effective, and sustainable solutions!

Results can happen, but energy is needed. East Bay MUD has been conducting periodic clean-ups and implementing fencing to protect the Upper San Leandro Reservoir and San Pablo Reservoirs. Still, more needs to be done to turn the tide with long-term prevention decisively:

Ebmud Clears Waste From Watershed As Dumping Costs In Dollars, Health (

East Bay MUD:

General Manager: Clifford Chan

Ward 3 Director (Lamorinda): Margeurite Young

Ward 4 Director (Oakland Hills): Andy Katz

Contra Costa County:

District 2 Supervisor (Lamorinda, Danville, San Ramon, Walnut Creek West of 680): Candace Anderson

Illegal Dumping Ad Hoc Committee Chairs: District 3 Supervisor Diane Burgis, District 5 Supervisor Federal Glover

Illegal Dumping Ad Hoc Committee Contact: Dylan Chiu

East Bay Parks:

Click here to E-mail East Bay Parks leadership!
