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Orinda Clean-Up

The clean-up of Orinda and adjacent areas is in the planning stages. Beautiful Bear Creek Road, adjacent to Briones Reservoir, will be a significant component of this effort, as well as the areas around the Moraga Substation, El Nido Ranch Road, Miramonte HS area, Wagner Ranch HS/Orinda Sports Field, and Orinda adjacent areas along San Pablo Dam Road.

Contact us at eastbaybeautiful@gmail.com if you want to participate in a gratifying project to return this area to pristine status.

Moraga Substation Area:

San Pablo Dam Road (unincorporated Contra Costa):

El Nido Ranch Road: Includes both Orinda and Lafayette (dotted red line denotes the border). Orinda portion is largely complete.

Pinehurst Road Clean-up

350+ tires, at least three cars, and other mess in what should be a beautiful creek ravine full of ferns that East Bay MUD has committed to clean up. The tires are multiple layers thick in the creek bed and appear to have accumulated for 20 or more years. This same area was possibly cleaned up in 2005 and is long overdue. Allowing dumping to sit in our watersheds for this length of time needs to change. Winter pictures would undoubtedly show creek water flowing over and around all these tires. A sorrowful sight.

EBMUD has a AAA rating, 500mm in short-term investments, 25 million in interest income from 2023, and the ability to apply for Clean California and other grant money along with Contra Costa County assistance. Money is NOT the issue.

In fairness, East Bay MUD has been one of the better governmental entities in dealing with this issue with periodic clean-ups and fencing. Those efforts are greatly appreciated and the genuine desire of the field teams to tackle the problem is apparent. However, the presence of areas with decades of dumping displays that the funding allocation is insufficient to systematically and decisively address what is a leading constituent concern.

Volunteer efforts may be a minimal part of this as the primary focus will be on East Bay MUD (possibly East Bay Parks depending on property lines) and Contra Costa accountability to show seriousness to the number 1 concern of citizens polled by East Bay Parks (see below). This watershed pollution must be cleaned up, and preventative measures or, at a minimum, regular clean-up must be instituted to keep the watersheds clean.

Location of tire dump site (click map for Google Maps detail of Pinehurst Project site):

Project area around large tire dump site:

Initial clean-up of the area (welcome to the 1980’s):

Prior clean-up of southern section of Pinehurst Rd in Contra Costa County: